Your Story deserves to be told

Book Design and Publishing

Whether you're looking to delve into the world of book publishing or have a manuscript ready to share, I offer book design and publishing for authors, coaches, and individuals, or anyone eager to transform their stories into beautifully published books.

have a brilliant topic or story?

Let's take your written words and turn them into a beautifully crafted book that captures the essence of your message.

So you have a brilliant topic or story, and you want to bring it to life in the form of a book? You might be new to the nuances of book publishing — from formatting to the technical details, it can all seem a bit daunting. Your manuscript is ready, but transforming that text into a professionally designed book is the next big step. Or perhaps you're just starting to explore the world of publishing. With the industry more accessible than ever, it's a great time to publish your own work!  

real results

"Michelle held my hand every step of the way, including through a very tedious Amazon self-publishing process."

"I approached Michelle with a 400 page document of family recipes that I need converted into a beautiful cookbook under a time crunch. I had no idea how to get what I had into a book form. Michelle held my hand every step of the way, including through a very tedious Amazon self-publishing process. I couldn't have done it without her! She provided me with guidance, timely responses, exceptional design options, and assurance that she would help me bring my design vision to life. For the service I received, her price was beyond reasonable. I will definitely work with her in the future, and I wholeheartedly recommend her for your next project."

- Jamie, publishing client


"A+ for communication, quick turn around time, and being a delight to work with overall."

Michelle was amazing to work with! I had a great experience collaborating with her as she was always open to my feedback. A+ for great communication, quick turn around time, and being a delight to work with overall.

- Kelly, design client


What's Your Narrative?


I manage every aspect of book creation, from typesetting to cover design, ensuring your print or eBook stands out. 

Lead Magnets

For building your mailing list and converting prospects, I offer LeadMagnet designs that attention and convert prospects.


Perfect for coaches, educators, and trainers, I offer workbook design that focuses on creating interactive and elegant layouts.

First Impressions that Last

Book Cover and Layout Design

I offer expert book cover design and layout services for non-fiction, technical content, and workbooks, in both print and digital formats. With professional, eye-catching themes and meticulously structured pages, I handle all technical details so you can focus on your writing. Whether you're an experienced author or a debut publisher, let's collaborate to transform your manuscript into a visually stunning and perfectly polished book.

Design your book →

Book Design Pricing


Manuscript organization/formatting

beautifully crafted.

Arrange your content clearly and concisely, with chapters distinctly sectioned.


Professional interior layout design

Stunning layouts designed to complement your text, including professional interior layout designs with headings, headers, and footers.


Custom + quality cover design

Create a captivating cover design for front, spine, and back, along with a cohesive color scheme, fonts, and visual elements.


Print-ready PDF files

Prepare your book for print or e-book distribution with a final PDF formatted to your specifications.

$600 - $1,500 estimated range

Pricing typically ranges from $600 to $1500, but this estimate is intended as a guide, with final costs tailored to the specific requirements and complexity of your book.

From Manuscript to Marketplace

Book Publication and Printing

Let's get started →

Designing a book is only one component of the book publishing process. For your book to reach the hands of your audience, it needs to be formatted, exported, uploaded, and printed. I offer a value-add service of facilitating the publishing process through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.

Print/Publication Pricing


Exporting for print

expertly published.

Export files with the correct bleed, gutter, and margins for optimal print production.


Upload to publishing platform

Prepare your book for print or e-book distribution with a final PDF formatted to your specifications. Upload your file seamlessly to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.


Technical / Continuous Support

Troubleshoot and manage any technical issues during the book production review process.

$250 base rate

Your trusted

publishing partner

With a Master's Degree in publishing, 10+ years of graphic design experience, and a blended professional background in marketing and communications, I provide comprehensive and dedicated support throughout your publishing journey. From the initial design conceptualization to navigating the complexities of publication, I am your trusted partner, dedicated to realizing your vision with precision and quality.

I work closely with you from concept to final hard copy, ensuring a collaborative process from start to finish. Let's turn your passion into a masterpiece.

Let's craft your book →

Micha is so knowledgeable and guided me to the best version of

What I envisioned.


Micha is so knowledgeable and guided me to the best version of what I envisioned. I wanted two separate things - (1) a high quality print from my wedding converted to black and white and (2) a sentimental photo that was artfully embedded in a monogram. She delivered on both in an unprecedented time frame! In a world where we take photos on our phones, screenshot other photos, and download in different formats, you need someone who understands the various requirements needed to churn out a high quality product - that’s Micha. I will be ordering all my custom needs from this amazing seller!

Working Closely with you to create a design that feel authentically yours.


Manuscript Formatting

First, I format your manuscript for design, setting up the text to meet your book’s specific size, margins, and style requirements. This step ensures a seamless transition into the design software and sets the foundation for the entire layout process.


Theme Development

I create thematic design concepts and share the first few pages with you. This preview allows you to see how the design complements the content and provides an opportunity for initial feedback, guiding the design's direction in the next phase.


Book Design

After incorporating your feedback, I extend the chosen design across the entire book. I then present the complete layout for your review, allowing for adjustments and ensuring every page meets your expectations.


Adjustments + Delivery

With your feedback, we refine the design until it's perfect. Once you're thrilled with the result, I'll prepare the final files, ready for you to upload for print or distribute digitally. This is where our journey together brings a design to life that truly represents you.

Streamlined Book Design Process

Can you draw/illustrate my book cover?
While I don't offer custom illustrations or drawings, I do use a combination of stock imagery, graphics, and other creative elements to craft a unique and fabulous cover for your book.

Can you edit my manuscript?
I don't provide manuscript editing or writing services. However, I strongly recommend hiring a professional editor to refine your manuscript before we start the design phase. You can find skilled editors on platforms like Fiverr, UpWork, and Etsy.

How should I prepare my manuscript before giving it to you?
That's a great question! For detailed instructions on preparing your manuscript for design, please refer to my blog post on the topic, which covers everything you'll need to know.

Do you help with SEO, marketing, and promoting the book?
Currently, I do not offer services in SEO, marketing, or book promotion. However, I'm happy to suggest some basic strategies and resources to help you get started on promoting your book effectively.



LET'S Publish your book 

ready to get started?

I can't wait to help you transform your manuscript into a beautifully designed book. Reach out to me today, and we'll connect on the next steps forward. 

follow @michadesignco

If you want to elevate your graphic design game, enjoy talking about small business entrepreneurship, and appreciate a spark of inspiration mixed with authenticity...You've come to the right place.

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